Good Hope Family Fellowship

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Obvious - Week 11

Week 11

1 John 3:1-10

First we take a look back at the first 2 chapters of 1 John, and discuss the theme of belonging that John comes back to again and again. John wants us to know that we belong to Him and therefore to each other. He discusses light and darkness, righteousness and sin, and these serve to give evidence of our belonging rather than being means to belonging.

Then we take a look at the first 10 verses of chapter 3.  Here John says something is “obvious.”

The assignment: 1.) What does John say is “obvious”? What evidence does he point to? Do you feel like it is as obvious as John seems to say? 

2.) Based on what you read, if John was to apply these thoughts toward you, what obvious conclusion would he draw? Are there things you need to work on?

3.) Add to your theme list notes as needed.

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