Good Hope Family Fellowship

love grow serve

Self-Check - Week 15

Week 15

1 John 3:18-22 

John offers us here a test, a sort of self-diagnostic. He is pointing out that if we love others (as Jesus instructed us to), it indicates that we are in right standing with God our Father. This is not a requirement for salvation, but rather a “fruit inspection” that we can use for ourselves.  It’s offered kindly as a means of reassuring us that we really belong to Him.

The assignment: 1.) Run the self-diagnostic on yourself. Do you love others merely with words or tongue? OR do you love them with truth and action? If you find yourself coming up short, what you really need is more connection with Jesus. When you spend more time with Him, you will love more of what He loves.

2.) Have you ever gone through a period of doubt? Spend some time reflecting on what brought you out of it. If you’re in the midst of it, reach out to someone who will encourage you the way John encourages us here.

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