Conceal or Confess - Week 3
In week 3, we clarify that using other resources to understand the Bible is not “cheating” and look at some online resources available. Specifically we look at a website that allows you to look at the original languages and search for other occurrences of the key words in the Scriptures we’re studying. After a recap from the last passage, we looked at verses 5-9. John introduces several themes that get repeated throughout the letter in these introductory verses. He also shows a contrast between what we choose to do about sin: We can lie to ourselves and try to cover it up, or we can confess it.
The assignment: 1.) See if any themes from your original list jump out of these verses and dig a little deeper to see where else they might show up in Scripture. (I think we may make a comment thread for each theme that shows up and share our thoughts in replies below each theme.)
2.) Think of a time when you may have learned a difficult lesson about confession: either you didn’t and should have, or you did and it paid off. (Use discretion in sharing these responses, some stories are just for close trusted friends)
Please share your responses in the "Good Hope Weekly" Facebook group. ( ) If you need help joining it, comment below or email
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