Advocate - Week 5
Week 5
In this week’s passage we find a word that is only used 5 times in the New Testament and only in works by John: “Advocate”. As we move into chapter 2, look for words related to your list of themes and see if you find any development on those themes here in verses 1-6.
The assignment:
1.)Check 1 John 2:1-6 for any of the theme words from the list you made when we read the whole letter (your Theme List). If any are here, you might summarize a few thoughts about that theme that you gather from this passage.
2.) Dig deeper into the word “Advocate”; find definitions, cross-references, etc. What do we learn about Jesus in relation to this term?
3.) Share your tips for making study time more effective, (and maybe try some suggested by others or employ some you may have forgotten)
The video to this podcast is available on our YouTube channel:
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